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Empowerment Mentoring 

 For you, with you, and in service of your dreams. From caterpillar to butterfly with...

becoming re-bornintruth

It's not about changing you, it's about reconnecting with your true source, your authentic nature, and your deepest intuition. This allows you to be reborn from within.

From caterpillar to soaring butterfly - find your sanctuary here.

As you embark on your own journey of self-discovery, I'll be here to share my personal experiences with you.
The ups and downs, the lessons learned – everything that helped me unlock my own potential.


Remember, this isn't about following in my footsteps. Each of us has our own unique path to tread.
Together, we'll navigate the steps that align with your personal journey, guiding you towards unlocking and embracing your limitless potential. Let go of rigid doctrines, preconceived notions, and external influences.
This journey belongs to YOU.

Yearn to soar like a butterfly, wings outstretched in freedom?

Many feel like caterpillars trapped in cocoons of self-doubt and fear, unsure how to spread their wings and find their true purpose. Together, we'll navigate the cycle of your true unfolding, becoming re-bornintruth, embracing your authentic nature.

Phase 1: The Caterpillar - Embarking on self-discovery

Key Question: Who am I?

Phase 2: The Pupa - Transformation and unleashing Potential

Key Question: What holds me back?

Phase 3: The re-bornintruth Dimension: Embracing your authentic Brilliance
Key Question: What is my true calling?

Phase 4: The Butterfly - A life of fulfillment in your purpose

No more Question: Living my true nature.  

Together, we'll traverse the cycle of your true unfolding, guiding you towards your authentic self in the spirit of re-bornintruth.

Are you ready to take the first step and spread your wings?

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pricing & content

This "yes" can be the first flutter of your wings on your journey from caterpillar
to butterfly.


Together we will go through the cycle of your true unfolding - in the spirit of
"becoming rebornintruth" to your true nature.


your decision:

embrace 12 weeks of transformation online course 
Tuesday, Sept 17th - Dec 3d, 2024!

7pm - 9pm

mark your calendars!

becoming re-bornintruth

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Tuesdays throughout: 
September 17th - October 8th (7pm-9pm)


  • Let's talk about the profound question of "Who am I?" and gain a deeper understanding of your unique identity, values, and strengths.

  • Strengthen your body and mind: Engage in invigorating yoga practices that harmonize your physical and mental condition, creating a foundation for positive transformation.

  • Cultivate inner peace and self-awareness: Through guided meditation, become  a sense of tranquility and clarity, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self.

  • Unleash your strengths and embrace your authentic self: Discover and appreciate your unique strengths, values, and even perceived weaknesses, recognizing that they are all integral parts of your authentic being.

Who am I?

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Tuesdays throughout: 
November 12th - December 3d (7pm-9pm)


  • Feel the dormant power within your heart center through transformative and deep yoga practices.

  • Let go of beliefs that hold you back. Let's talk and share.

  • Consciously guide your breath yourself, allowing energy to flow into every cell of your being.

  • Visualize your goals and dreams with unwavering intention. Create a space for inspiration and witness new ideas blossom..

  • Give your dreams a tangible form. Let your heart guide your vision, and bring your mind into alignment.

  • Establish your re-born routine! HOLD IT, LIVE IT, BE IT!

What is my true purpose in life?

Tuesdays throughout: 
October 15th - November 5th (7pm-9pm)

through a powerful blend of breathwork, restorative yoga, guided conversations, and self-massage, you will:

  • Find the power of breathwork: explore dynamic breathing techniques to release stress, access deeper states of consciousness, and transform limiting beliefs held within your body.

  • Dissolve energy blocks with restorative yoga: Gentle yoga postures designed to restore balance, release tension and anxiety, creating an ideal space for self-discovery.

  • Engage in profound and honest self-reflection: Participate in guided conversations and visualizations to uncover hidden patterns, gain clarity, and connect with your inner wisdom.

  • Awaken your body's healing potential: Learn and practice self-massage techniques to release physical and emotional tension, enhance self-awareness, and promote deep healing.

What is keeping me from living my best life?

this journey belongs to YOU

becoming re-bornintruth

early bird discount: EUR 948,- 
regular price: EUR 1440,-

Align your heart's desires with your mind's clarity,

and manifest a life that resonates with your authentic self.

early bird discount:

Register by August 26th, 2024, and pay only €79,-  per 2-hour session (total of €948,- for the 12-week program)!

regular price:

Starting August 27th, 2024, price will be €120 per 2-hour session (total of €1440 for the 12-week program).

All online sessions will be recorded and forwarded to you for lifelong access.The inclusive Workbook awaits you upon booking.

Act now and secure your spot at the early bird rate!
This offer won't last long!

embark on a transformative journey

Welcome to the "becoming re-bornintruth" Program!
To secure your spot, please complete your payment using the information I'll be sending shortly.

All booked services are preceded by a complimentary  personal orientation call. We will schedule this discussion individually after you have made your booking. During this call, we will go over the key details related to your consultation or treatment.

All consultations, treatments, and services we offer are centered around the perspective of spiritual healing, aiming to activate your innate self-healing capabilities. It's important to note that these practices are complementary and do not serve as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a doctor, psychotherapist, or naturopath.

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